
免費送你 Line 貼圖!
2020-12-29 19:21


我認為是可以正常舉辦大型活動的,因為近幾個月都是沒有本土案例的,這次的案例是因為外國機長來台灣,所以才會出現,而現在的疫情也緩解了,所以比較沒關係,但是我覺的需要在跨年活動的地方分區,就比較不會有這類的問題,如果你還是很擔心,也可以待在家,用電視來觀看跨年活動,但是在跨年活動結束之後希望可以減少一些大型活動,因為跨年本身實在是太多人了,所以為了怕真的有病例,就減少一些大型活動就比較不用擔心了。下列為英文:I think it is possible to hold large-scale events normally, because there have been no local cases in recent months. This case only appeared because foreign captains came to Taiwan, and now the epidemic has eased, so it’s more okay, but I think it is necessary to partition the New Year’s Eve activities, so there will be less such problems. If you are still worried, you can stay at home and watch the New Year’s Eve activities on TV, but I hope that after the New Year’s Eve activities are over Reduce some large-scale events, because there are too many people in the New Year itself, so in order to fear that there will be cases, it is less worrying to reduce some large-scale events
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